I hate church leaders. I have just returned from a Circuit Quarterly Meeting. (Four times a year the leaders from five local churches from my denomination get together to discuss common needs and interests). Tonight these leaders debated whether they would allow people of the same gender to marry in our Circuit’s churches. “They are welcome to worship with us” was hastily added on to the condemnatory comments of each speaker. The devious dishonesty of this “welcome” was neatly summarised when one speaker noted that they need to come and worship with us "so that they can be convicted of their sin".
Shit – who says that gay people even want to be blessed in church! We have made it abundantly clear that they are sinners, and will not be blessed by us. Gay people understand the message: “In the name of the God of love – be gone!”
This has nothing to do with Grace, and God, and the things of Jesus, and everything to do with judgement, and self-righteousness, and spiritual pride. Gluttons, and bigots, and all manner of other sinners can come and be blessed - just not gay people.
I do not fit into this organization
Pray for me.
I was present at that same meeting and came away from it feeling hurt, disillusioned, disappointed and sad. I found myself accosted by a small angry contingent after the meeting who were intent in condemning me for the stand I took. Not one was prepared to listen to what I had to say. I was told unequivocally that gay people were sinners just as murderers were sinners. I pleaded in vain that gay people do not choose to be gay and yearn for love and acceptance. I find it difficult to understand how leaders of our church seem to have learnt nothing about the love and grace of God. Something is sorely amiss when all that people know is condemnation, bitterness and hatred. Why am i wasting my time and energy with people who have not heard and who clearly do not want to hear the Good News of love and inclusivity? Pray for me too.
Yea, I don't think we should be praying for you but rather for the church who practises conditional grace
Hey uncle grassy rock
I completely simpathise with you (and Andrew).
I arrived home from a glorious Youth Worker's Retreat to find a minisermon on the topic from my boss (and vicar) in my inbox. Needless to say it was not one of the positive-give-a-gay-a-hug kind... quite the opposite. I haven't had the courage to talk to him, or respond yet, so I wanted to thank you for your post, because it gave me a bit of peace. I am not the only idiot who thinks that the conservative "biblical" view is judgemental, there are some other idiots out there far wiser and more learned than I who share my view. So thank you.
Please don't give up, because these blogs I visit everyday give me the courage to face this theological small-mindedness from so far away!
God bless you
Right on Pete, keep on preachin it, I put your post on my blog
Where was the church at all the critical times in history? Normally excluding people while remaining in their own secure buildings called churches! But it is people like you who care to make a difference that make the Church. Keep the passion going - you might light a hell of a fire. Of course some people might say you are destined for that anyway.
Hey Pete--wow that is so hard--I wonder why we are so AFRAID of gay people? It's like we treat them like lepers--they have this disease that will get on us if we even breathe near them...It is weird because I thought churches usually taught that almost all sins are equal, so if they believe that homosexuality is a sin--why is it that that is the ONE sin that bars you from being forgiven? I knowingly lie, cheat, covet, lust, etc. but I can walk into a church building and I can be treated like gold--but a gay person isn't touched with a 10 foot pole...I will pray for you to keep strong and also for all the churches that are acting in this foul, despicable way...
Hey Pete. Hang in there. The feeling is the same here. I'm glad Jesus told the parable of the wheat and the weeds. It reminds me that even our best attempt to play church is filled with weakness. May His Kingdom Come, even if it means...
and Jesus wept again ...
Pieter G
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