Sunday, February 27, 2011
The Ramblings of a Rusty Runner

Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Wednesday Sermon
This is found both in the challenge offered by the preacher, and in the process of listening to experienced preachers and learning how to preach.
Right now we are encountering the three point sermon. Wednesday by Wednesday the preachers will use this basic structure as the medium for God's message. And in this we not only encounter a challenge of the Holy Spirit in the preached word, but we are challenged to learn how to communicate clearly and simply.
Ross Olivier preached this morning on Jacob wrestling with God at Peniel. He invited us to encounter the mystery of God - as we see Jacob trying to define God: "what is your name?" Ross then invited us to discover our spiritual growth in our inner wounds - Jacob's struggle left wounds. And thirdly, we were reminded that like Jacob, we are held secure by the Spirit as we offer our helplessness in worship.
I am grateful for my life.
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Friday, February 18, 2011
I have worked from 7am (morning worship) to 10pm (preparing the next day's lectures) for two weeks straight. Saturday was prep for Sunday's services at Wesley Methodist at Hayfields in Pietermaritzburg.
So I really need today off! And am having a great time.
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Thursday, February 17, 2011
Flights of Fury
All because the plane was not big enough for everyone who had booked. There were 5 of us in the same predicament. We were bumped off the budget flight (the one with no frills, food, and comfortable seats) onto a British Airways flight with food, drink, newspapers, and spacious seating. In addition we were given a voucher for a free flight. And we were asked to wait an hour for this flight. What a bargain!
She did not agree - but then she clearly does not belong in Africa. This is a continent that asks a measure of flexibility when it comes to time. And once we learn to deal with delays, shifting deadlines, and waiting in line - well it is a beautiful day.
And I am grateful for my life.
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Tuesday, February 15, 2011
A Community Sacrament.
Those who preside over the liturgy are not gate keepers. Instead the priest/minister/president serves anyone who answers the prompting of the Spirit of God and comes to the Sacrament.
This evening at the Seminary Community service we celebrated God's Grace-full welcome to both adults and children as we shared Holy Communion together.
And I am grateful.
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seminary children at family worship
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Monday, February 14, 2011
my Valentine
She is living in Cape Town with our three university-going daughters. They are all in their final year of different stages of study and so Jenny will join me at the end of this year. Until then I look forward to weekends such as this.
We are at Circus Cafe in the Pavilion Mall at Westville - on our way to the airport.
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Sunday, February 13, 2011
The Duckpond
There is a traditional roast Sunday-lunch, washed down with a great cup of coffee. If you want to add something extra then try the cappuccino milkshake, which is homemade from scratch (no powder or instant coffee).
Aaah ...koffie kapitaal.
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Thursday, February 03, 2011
worship in SMMS chapel
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