There was a baker, a builder, a bass guitar player and four more of us.
We all come from different backgrounds, different histories, and a variety of perspectives on life. But the one thing we have in common is a love of motorcycles. So we mounted our bikes at 10 this morning for a ride.
Other people play golf on a Wednesday. We ride bikes. In fact we ride bikes on the other days too – but today we rode together......
And headed up the West Coast Road, turning off to Darling for coffee at Evita se Perron. Then on through Malmesbury to Riebeeck Kasteel for a long leisurely lunch. Followed by a quick-ish trip through Wellington, Stellenbosh and back to Cape Town.
A great ride through fantastically beautiful country. And a wonderful opportunity to meet new strangers who very quickly became familiar friends.
All it takes is two wheels and an engine.