Friday, November 14, 2008


Today I flew from Port Elizabeth to Johannesburg and back. And i seemed to spend so much time just waiting. I was summonsed by head office to interview for a job, which exposes the tension between being pastor to a local church and being at the disposal of my Bishop. I am committed to my local congregation for three more years, but the Bishops of the church can give me other work too. But today the work was in the waiting. I waited an hour to board the aircraft. I flew for 90 minutes. I waited 90 minutes to be collected in Johannesburg. I waited an hour after the interview for a lift back to the airport. And now that my flight has been delayed I will have waited 3 hours to catch the 90 minute flight bck to PE. Today I have learned two things: the vast majority of my fellow citizens wait patiently every day for transport, while I am amongst the fortunate few who does not wait because I own private transport. Secondly, if I get given this new responsibility I will get a laptop to cope with airports.


Gus said...

squend is the word verification - do we have an interpretation?

It better be a bloody nice laptop! Not one of those things that is the size of a desktop with the brains of a palmtop.

Anyways - I think you'd be a great presiding bishop - I hope that's the job they have in mind for you - and when you get it, I already have a nice laptop, but I think we need dancing girls at synods.

bugs said...

i do hope that does not mean they want to move you away from Plumstead, but i agree with Gus (on all three points) however i want to add that it is high time for the Methodist House to move to the Mother City - u can be the first non-separated chairperson of conference ... sorry did i say that, i meant PB

Hanno Prinsloo (only me) said...

Or have you been offered the job as head of EMMU (Education MisManagement Unit).

I do hope that you stay in Plumstead.

Anonymous said...

interesting, i don't like the methodist church, in fact i despise it, dew to my own very personal experiences and reasons.

i do hope that your life doesn't get destroyed like so many others.

i probably sound very negative but this is my truth, hope you and your fam don't fall into the same bout as what mine has....

digitaldion (Dion Forster) said...

Blessings Pete. I pray that God's hand rests firmly upon the decision - for all parties concerned.

Even though I do not agree with the comment from 'anonymous' above, I think there is some wisdom in it.

Take care.

With love,


Steven Jones said...

Here's a thought - since so many Methodist ministers are becoming "tech-savvy" nowadays (although probably none in Digital Dion's league!), what about exploring technologies such as Skype instead of all this travelling to and fro to meetings?

Just imagine - log into Skype at the appointed time, then carry on with sermon prep or something else. When a certain Bishop arrives at the meeting two hours later, a message will pop up on the screen, and one can then join the meeting. ;-)

Seriously, though - how much time (and resources) is spent travelling to meetings, especially given the vast extent of many of our Districts, necessitating two (or more) hours' driving to the "central" location? Perhaps some of the MCSA bloggers could pilot such a project, conducting a meeting using technology?

Scout with the Cross said...

Hey Pete

I see your talents are being recognised at last?

I'm sure that there will be the right amount of reflection and discerment, or at least I pray there will be by those in charge.

Take care.
