Thursday, January 20, 2011

different shoes

So there I was walking through the supermarket when I happened to glance down at my feet. I was wearing different shoes. I had dressed and slipped my feet into the shoes alongside my bed. And failed to notice that they did not match.

But who decided that feet need to be shod the same? Perhaps I can start a new fashion.

Perhaps not. I am grateful for this quirky day.
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John van de Laar said...

That is so cool! It reminds me of Dobby from Harry Potter who couldn't understand why Ron had given him two socks that were the same! He loved socks, but would only wear different ones. Can't see why that shouldn't be extended to shoes...

Delme Linscott said...

Are you getting old Pete?
thanks for the books - much appreciated.


Cecilia said...

This only makes us love you all the more.

Anonymous said...

So funny! It's never happened to me, but my husband has done this! (I've only worn my shirt inside out before.)But I agree - why do they need to match? Boring!

Wessel Bentley said...

That's what seminary does to people! LOL! Enjoy senility Pete, it's only others who don't understand.

Anonymous said...

So I am not alone????? LOL...
You only went to the shops I was at work.

Mark Draper