Tuesday, June 02, 2009


one description, by Martin Luther, of what it means to have real faith:
Auch wenn ich wüsste,
dass morgen die Welt zugrunde geht,
würde ich heute noch
einen Apfelbaum pflanzen.

Which being translated means:

Even if I knew that the whole world
was going to smash tomorrow,
Still, I would plant an Apple Tree today.


Thomas O. Scarborough said...

Ach ja, tatsächlich, aber was soll das eigentlich bedeuten? Wie bezieht sich das genau auf das Glauben?

The Listening Hermit said...

Hey Pete
Enjoyed the chat.
When I read this afterwards, thought of you and me and our precious vocation.
"May no one who encounters me ever have an insignificant contact. May the mere fact of our meeting contribute to the fulfillment of their wishes. May I be a protector of the Helpless, a guide to those traveling the path, a boat to whose wishing to cross over, or a bridge or a raft. May I be a lamp for those in darkness, a home for the homeless and a servant to the world."
Buddhist prayer by Shantideva.
